Lightweight: 4.8 lbs
Thickness: 0.1 in
Flexible up to 30 degrees
Stainless steel grommets in the panel
Easy and low-cost installation
One year warranty
Ideal for
Vans, trailers, overlanders, boats
Utility service vehicles
Curved roofs
Backup power
Tech Specs
Maximum Power (Pmax): 100W
Maximum Power Voltage( Vmp): 18.9V
Maximum Power Current (Imp): 5.29A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 22.8V
Short Circuit Current (Isc): 5.59A
Maximum System Voltage (Vmax): 1000VDC
Temperature Range: -40 ~ +85°C
Weight: 4.8lb
Dimensions: 40.6 x 21.3 x 0.1(0.8) in
Built-in Components
100-watt flexible monocrystalline solar panel
Panel leads (pair): 24 in each
IP67 Rated waterproof junction box
IP67 Rated waterproof solar connectors
Bypass diodes built into the junction box